A mudra (literally translates as "seal") is a symbolic or ritual gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism. While some mudras involve the entire body, most are performed with the hands and fingers. A mudra is a "spiritual gesture" and energetic "seal of authenticity" employed in the iconography and spiritual practice of Indian religions and Taoism.
Mudras are arm, hand and body positions used in the traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. The great Buddha knew the use of mudras and is often depicted using these ritual gestures. Various Kung Fu forms contain positions identical to these mudras.
108 mudras are used in regular Tantric rituals. Mudras are also used in Indian Classical Dance. There are over 200 mudras in bharatanatyam and over 250 in mohiniattam.
I have chosen the following ten mudras because of their great health benefits, though all madras have multiple holistic benefits affecting the mind body and energetic blueprint. Although I must say that these mudras are complimentary they should always be used in parallel with qualified medical advice.
Gyan Mudra - Mudra of Knowledge
Method: Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger, with the other three fingers stretched out.
Specialty: As it is a mudra of knowledge, it enhances the brains ability to incorperate knowledge. The tip of the thumb has energy centers which relate to the pituitary and endocrine glands. When we press these centers using our index finger the two glands work actively.
Time duration: There is no particular time duration for this mudra. You can practice by sitting, standing or lying on bed whenever and wherever you have the time.
Benefits: Increases memory power and sharpens the brain, It helps to enhances concentration and prevents Insomnia. If we practice it regularly, it will asist with psychological disorders like Anxiety, Anger and Depression
Prithvi Mudra - Mudra of the Earth
Method: Tip of the ring finger touches the tip of the thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out.
Specialty: It reduces all physical weaknesses relating to musco-skeletal issues.
Time Duration: It has no particular time duration. You can practice it any time you want.
Benefits: It improves the bodies ability gain healthy weight for underweight people. It Also improves the complexion of your skin giving you a healthy glow. It improves mobility allowing the body to remain active and healthy.
Varuna Mudra - Mudra of the Water
Method: Tip of the little finger touches the tip of the thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out.
Specialty: It balances the water content and prevents all issues relating to dehydration and imbalance of both water and the water element.
Time Duration: It has no specific time duration and one can practice it whenever time allows.
Benefits: It assists in bringing clarity to the blood stream by balancing water content in the body. It also helps prevent the pains of Gastroenteritis and muscle shrinkage relating to dehydration or loss of nutrients.
Vayu Mudra - Air Mudra
Method: Keep the index finger on the base of the thumb and press with the thumb keeping the other three fingers straight.
Specialty: It assists in the prevention of all diseases relating to the imbalance of the air element.
Time Duration: The practice of this mudra for 45 minutes reduces the severity of the disease in 12 to 24 hours. For better results practice it continuously over a period of about two months.
Benefits: This mudra assists in the relief of rheumatism, arthritis, gout, Parkinson’s disease and paralysis. It is useful for Cervical Spondilytis and issues relating to cervical injury, paralysis or damage to the facial nerves. It will also assist with intestinal gas or indigestion.
Shunya Mudra - Mudra of Emptyness
Method: Keep the middle finger at the mount of Venus and press it with thumb.
Specialty: It reduces the dullness in our body, bringing a sharpness and clarity of thought.
Time Duration: One can practice it for 40 to 60 minutes daily until to be cured from the disease.
Benefits: It can help relieve earache within 4 or 5 minutes and assist in the rapid clearing of ear infections and conditions. It can also help improve hearing impairment and stress induced psychological conditions.
Surya Mudra - Sun Mudra
Method: Bend the ring finger and press it with thumb.
Specialty: It sharpens and activates the energetic centre relating to the thyroid gland.
Time Duration: Practice it daily twice for 5 to 15 minutes.
Benefits: This mudra helps reduce cholesterol and assists in weight loss and maintaining a healthy balanced weight. It helps reduce anxiety, and improves indigestion problems.
Prana Mudra - Mudra of Life
Method: Bend ring finger and little finger and touch the tip of thumb with their tips keeping the remaining two fingers stretched.
Specialty: As this is the mudra of life, it works in areas relating to improving quality of life particularly increasing mobility and strength, improves blood pressure and flow in conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even angina. It will help you become active again.
Time Duration: No specific time duration. One can practice it any time.
Benefits: This mudra greatly improves immunity and the immune system. It greatly improves sight and vision, and will help balance out issues relating to vitamin deficiency and fatigue.
Apana Mudra - Mudra of Digestion
Method: The tips of middle finger and ring finger touch the tip of thumb while the other two fingers are stretched out.
Specialty: It plays an important role in our health as it regulates the excretory system.
Time Duration: Practice it daily for 45 minutes, but practice for greater periods yields increased benefits.
Benefits: This mudra will help to regulate blood sugar in diabetes sufferers and will help with constipation, IBS and gastroenteritis. Your bodies waste disposal systems will function more efficiently.
Apana Vayu Mudra - Mudra of The Heart
Method: The tips of the middle finger and ring finger touch the tip of thumb, while the index finger touches the base of thumb and little finger stretched out..
Specialty: This mudra Is extremely powerful in relation to balancing, protecting and the general welfare of our heart.
Time Duration: Practice it as many times as you can. Heart patients and BP patients can practice it for 15 minutes daily twice for better results.
Benefits: It strengthens the heart and regularizes palpitation . It also helps with all of the issues relating to the mudra of digestion.
Linga Mudra - Mudra of Heat
Method: Interlock the fingers of both hands and keep the thumb of the left hand vertically straight and encircle it with the thumb and the index finger of the right hand..
Specialty: It generates heat in our body. Take milk, ghee, more water and fruit juices in addition to practice of this mudra for better effect.
Time Duration: Practice it any time you want. Excessive practice will produces heat in the body, resulting in dehydration. It can cause sweating even in winter if you practice it long enough.
Benefits: This mudra helps strengthen the lungs and can assist in the relief of phlegm. As a result of the intense heat produced by this mudra it can help break fever and colds and has also been known to assist with bronchial infections. It also has an invigorating affect on the body
As with everything i have suggested i know they work through experience, and would not suggest them otherwise, however as the dalai lama says "only truly believe that which you experience yourself" so i suggest giving these mudras a go. What is the worst that could happen? But by choosing to use this information in your daily life, you may just improve your health and quality of life, taking back your personal power.
If you would like to learn about Mudras which open the chakras please read on.
Rob LightbearerMudras are arm, hand and body positions used in the traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. The great Buddha knew the use of mudras and is often depicted using these ritual gestures. Various Kung Fu forms contain positions identical to these mudras.
108 mudras are used in regular Tantric rituals. Mudras are also used in Indian Classical Dance. There are over 200 mudras in bharatanatyam and over 250 in mohiniattam.
I have chosen the following ten mudras because of their great health benefits, though all madras have multiple holistic benefits affecting the mind body and energetic blueprint. Although I must say that these mudras are complimentary they should always be used in parallel with qualified medical advice.
Gyan Mudra - Mudra of Knowledge
Specialty: As it is a mudra of knowledge, it enhances the brains ability to incorperate knowledge. The tip of the thumb has energy centers which relate to the pituitary and endocrine glands. When we press these centers using our index finger the two glands work actively.
Time duration: There is no particular time duration for this mudra. You can practice by sitting, standing or lying on bed whenever and wherever you have the time.
Benefits: Increases memory power and sharpens the brain, It helps to enhances concentration and prevents Insomnia. If we practice it regularly, it will asist with psychological disorders like Anxiety, Anger and Depression
Prithvi Mudra - Mudra of the Earth
Specialty: It reduces all physical weaknesses relating to musco-skeletal issues.
Time Duration: It has no particular time duration. You can practice it any time you want.
Benefits: It improves the bodies ability gain healthy weight for underweight people. It Also improves the complexion of your skin giving you a healthy glow. It improves mobility allowing the body to remain active and healthy.
Varuna Mudra - Mudra of the Water
Specialty: It balances the water content and prevents all issues relating to dehydration and imbalance of both water and the water element.
Time Duration: It has no specific time duration and one can practice it whenever time allows.
Benefits: It assists in bringing clarity to the blood stream by balancing water content in the body. It also helps prevent the pains of Gastroenteritis and muscle shrinkage relating to dehydration or loss of nutrients.
Vayu Mudra - Air Mudra
Specialty: It assists in the prevention of all diseases relating to the imbalance of the air element.
Time Duration: The practice of this mudra for 45 minutes reduces the severity of the disease in 12 to 24 hours. For better results practice it continuously over a period of about two months.
Benefits: This mudra assists in the relief of rheumatism, arthritis, gout, Parkinson’s disease and paralysis. It is useful for Cervical Spondilytis and issues relating to cervical injury, paralysis or damage to the facial nerves. It will also assist with intestinal gas or indigestion.
Shunya Mudra - Mudra of Emptyness
Specialty: It reduces the dullness in our body, bringing a sharpness and clarity of thought.
Time Duration: One can practice it for 40 to 60 minutes daily until to be cured from the disease.
Benefits: It can help relieve earache within 4 or 5 minutes and assist in the rapid clearing of ear infections and conditions. It can also help improve hearing impairment and stress induced psychological conditions.
Surya Mudra - Sun Mudra
Specialty: It sharpens and activates the energetic centre relating to the thyroid gland.
Time Duration: Practice it daily twice for 5 to 15 minutes.
Benefits: This mudra helps reduce cholesterol and assists in weight loss and maintaining a healthy balanced weight. It helps reduce anxiety, and improves indigestion problems.
Prana Mudra - Mudra of Life
Specialty: As this is the mudra of life, it works in areas relating to improving quality of life particularly increasing mobility and strength, improves blood pressure and flow in conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even angina. It will help you become active again.
Time Duration: No specific time duration. One can practice it any time.
Benefits: This mudra greatly improves immunity and the immune system. It greatly improves sight and vision, and will help balance out issues relating to vitamin deficiency and fatigue.
Apana Mudra - Mudra of Digestion
Specialty: It plays an important role in our health as it regulates the excretory system.
Time Duration: Practice it daily for 45 minutes, but practice for greater periods yields increased benefits.
Benefits: This mudra will help to regulate blood sugar in diabetes sufferers and will help with constipation, IBS and gastroenteritis. Your bodies waste disposal systems will function more efficiently.
Apana Vayu Mudra - Mudra of The Heart
Time Duration: Practice it as many times as you can. Heart patients and BP patients can practice it for 15 minutes daily twice for better results.
Benefits: It strengthens the heart and regularizes palpitation . It also helps with all of the issues relating to the mudra of digestion.
Linga Mudra - Mudra of Heat
Specialty: It generates heat in our body. Take milk, ghee, more water and fruit juices in addition to practice of this mudra for better effect.
Time Duration: Practice it any time you want. Excessive practice will produces heat in the body, resulting in dehydration. It can cause sweating even in winter if you practice it long enough.
Benefits: This mudra helps strengthen the lungs and can assist in the relief of phlegm. As a result of the intense heat produced by this mudra it can help break fever and colds and has also been known to assist with bronchial infections. It also has an invigorating affect on the body
As with everything i have suggested i know they work through experience, and would not suggest them otherwise, however as the dalai lama says "only truly believe that which you experience yourself" so i suggest giving these mudras a go. What is the worst that could happen? But by choosing to use this information in your daily life, you may just improve your health and quality of life, taking back your personal power.
If you would like to learn about Mudras which open the chakras please read on.