The following two techniques will help you get the most out of your meditation session. Firstly the Pillar of light invocation will help you draw in high quality source energy into your meditation space and into your self allowing you to optimise the clearing effect with the assistance of the appropriate merits and strengths of various beings of light. This technique helps in accelerating your light quotient building advancing your spiritual path.
The second technique allows you to slowly and consciously filter through the various aspects and layers of self, allowing you to get to know your self and increase and strengthen the connection at all levels. The more this exercise is done the quicker the I AM reality will be anchored here in your physical self.
Invocation of Your Own Pillar of Light
Use the following invocation to create the Pillar of Light within the meditation Space.
Archangel Metatron please open my crown chakra, the very heart of my Soul, Higher Self, Oversoul, Universal Consciousness, I AM Presence, and Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit.
Archangel Raziel please open my pineal and pituitary chakras– the third-eye centre.
Archangel Khamiel please open my throat chakra, and my heart chakra. Please help me to express my Truth at all times, and to express un-conditional Love at all times.
Archangel Michael please open my solar-plexus chakra. Please help me to surrender my negative ego, and to express at all times from my Wholeness. Help me to remember that I am Source manifested in form, and help me to see the same in all of Creation.
Archangel Raphael, Gabriel and Ariel please open my sexual chakra. Please help me to express pure Divine creative energies at all times.
Archangel Sandalphon please open my base chakra, and my feet chakra. Please open the very heart of the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, the Universe, and Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature.
Archangel Metatron please open, open, open, ignite, ignite, ignite the Pillar of Light. Please lower the Pillar of Light from the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit, down through my I AM Presence, down through my Universal Consciousness, down through my Oversoul, down through my Higher Self, down through my Soul, down through my Lower Self, and please connect it to my crown chakra.
I allow the Pillar of Light to descend down through my body, and as it descends it opens, clears, balances and aligns all my chakras in one straight line through the centre of my body.
I allow the Pillar of Light to exit through my base chakra and my feet into the heart of the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, the Universe, and Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature.
Archangel Sandalphon please anchor the Pillar of Light into the very heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature.
Archangel Metatron please anchor the Pillar of Light into the very heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit.
Archangel Metatron please expand this Pillar of Light to whatever size is appropriate for today.
Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and exhale fully. On the inhale breath
visualize a counter-clockwise spiral of Pure White Light moving from the heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature to the heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit through this Pillar of Light. On the exhale breath visualize a clockwise spiral of Pure White Light from Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit down to Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature. This helps to establish the main energy flow for the meditation period.
Opening up to different aspects of self
There are two keys to this meditation. Firstly, set your intent to connect to all aspects of Self. Know that through your intent you can and will connect to all aspects of Self. The intent serves to focus your energies.
Secondly,“feel”the connection with each level of Self as you connect upward. In the beginning, if you are unable to feel anything, just use your imagination to make the connection. As you work with it everyday, you will begin to feel the difference between the various levels of Self. It is very important not to rush through this meditation, and to feel the connection with each level of Self.
Find a comfortable chair to sit it, and sit upright. Take a few deep breaths and exhale completely each time. Then breathe in Light through your heart chakra. Allow the Light to expand radially from your heart chakra like a sphere in all directions. Continue to breathe in Light. Then allow the Light to expand to encompass your throat and solar-plexus chakras. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand to encompass your third-eye chakra and sexual chakra. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand to encompass your crown chakra and your base chakra.
Take a moment to totally embrace your physical body. Feel the connection with your physical body. Visualize your whole body, including all the organs of your body, in White Light of Source. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand to encompass your etheric body which interpenetrates your physical body, and extends outside your physical body like a second skin. Take a moment to totally embrace your etheric body. Feel the connection with your etheric body.
Continue to breathe in Light.
Allow the Light to expand out to your emotional body, which interpenetrates your physical body, etheric body, and extends outside your etheric body approximately 150 mm or 6 inch. Take a moment to totally embrace your emotional body. Feel the connection with your emotional body.
Continue to breathe in Light.
Allow the Light to expand out to your mental body, which interpenetrates your physical body, etheric body, emotional body, and extends outside your emotional body. Take a moment to totally embrace your mental body. Feel the connection with your mental body.
Continue to breathe in Light.
Allow the Light to expand out to your spiritual body, which interpenetrates your physical body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and extends outside your mental body. Take a moment to totally embrace your spiritual body. Feel the connection with your spiritual body. Continue to breathe in Light. Feel all the fields around your body merge into a single Unified field.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to your Lower Self. Take a moment to totally embrace your Lower Self, and give it your un-conditional love and understanding. Feel the
Continue to breathe in Light.
Then lovingly command your emotional body, your mental body and Lower Self to surrender to your Soul, and to express fully under the direct supervision of your Soul with the new expanded awareness of Self.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to your Soul. Take a moment to totally embrace your Soul, and feel the un-conditional love from your Soul. Feel the connection.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to your Higher Self. Take a moment to totally embrace your Higher Self, and feel the un-conditional love from your Higher Self. Feel the connection.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to the Oversoul level of your Being. Take a moment to totally embrace the Oversoul, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection. Ask your Oversoul level to facilitate full reconnection with IT, and to assist you to release all blockages and to rejuvenate all your bodies.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to the Universal Consciousness level of your Being. Take a moment to totally embrace your Universal Consciousness, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection. Ask your Universal Consciousness level to help you to come into Unity Consciousness.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to the I AM Presence level of your Being. Take a moment to totally embrace your I AM Presence, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection. Know that this is your true identity as Differentiated Source. Note how expanded you feel, and sense your Power. Take time to commune with the I AM Presence, and bring up any of your personal concerns or desires.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to Un-Differentiated Source. Take a moment to totally embrace Un- Differentiated Source in Spirit and Nature, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection, and the Oneness with everything that exists throughout all of Creation. Stay for as long as you desire in this heightened vibration.
Ask Spirit to allow you to express from your Wholeness in all that you do throughout the day.
Come fully back into your everyday normal waking consciousness when you are ready
For an excellent healing technique visit Activating Spin Points - The Lesser Chakras
Rob Lightbearer
The second technique allows you to slowly and consciously filter through the various aspects and layers of self, allowing you to get to know your self and increase and strengthen the connection at all levels. The more this exercise is done the quicker the I AM reality will be anchored here in your physical self.
Invocation of Your Own Pillar of Light
Archangel Metatron please open my crown chakra, the very heart of my Soul, Higher Self, Oversoul, Universal Consciousness, I AM Presence, and Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit.
Archangel Raziel please open my pineal and pituitary chakras– the third-eye centre.
Archangel Khamiel please open my throat chakra, and my heart chakra. Please help me to express my Truth at all times, and to express un-conditional Love at all times.
Archangel Michael please open my solar-plexus chakra. Please help me to surrender my negative ego, and to express at all times from my Wholeness. Help me to remember that I am Source manifested in form, and help me to see the same in all of Creation.
Archangel Raphael, Gabriel and Ariel please open my sexual chakra. Please help me to express pure Divine creative energies at all times.
Archangel Sandalphon please open my base chakra, and my feet chakra. Please open the very heart of the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, the Universe, and Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature.
Archangel Metatron please open, open, open, ignite, ignite, ignite the Pillar of Light. Please lower the Pillar of Light from the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit, down through my I AM Presence, down through my Universal Consciousness, down through my Oversoul, down through my Higher Self, down through my Soul, down through my Lower Self, and please connect it to my crown chakra.
I allow the Pillar of Light to descend down through my body, and as it descends it opens, clears, balances and aligns all my chakras in one straight line through the centre of my body.
I allow the Pillar of Light to exit through my base chakra and my feet into the heart of the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, the Universe, and Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature.
Archangel Sandalphon please anchor the Pillar of Light into the very heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature.
Archangel Metatron please anchor the Pillar of Light into the very heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit.
Archangel Metatron please expand this Pillar of Light to whatever size is appropriate for today.
Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and exhale fully. On the inhale breath
visualize a counter-clockwise spiral of Pure White Light moving from the heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature to the heart of the Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit through this Pillar of Light. On the exhale breath visualize a clockwise spiral of Pure White Light from Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Spirit down to Un-Differentiated Creator Source in Nature. This helps to establish the main energy flow for the meditation period.
Opening up to different aspects of self
There are two keys to this meditation. Firstly, set your intent to connect to all aspects of Self. Know that through your intent you can and will connect to all aspects of Self. The intent serves to focus your energies.
Find a comfortable chair to sit it, and sit upright. Take a few deep breaths and exhale completely each time. Then breathe in Light through your heart chakra. Allow the Light to expand radially from your heart chakra like a sphere in all directions. Continue to breathe in Light. Then allow the Light to expand to encompass your throat and solar-plexus chakras. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand to encompass your third-eye chakra and sexual chakra. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand to encompass your crown chakra and your base chakra.
Take a moment to totally embrace your physical body. Feel the connection with your physical body. Visualize your whole body, including all the organs of your body, in White Light of Source. Continue to breathe in Light. Allow the Light to expand to encompass your etheric body which interpenetrates your physical body, and extends outside your physical body like a second skin. Take a moment to totally embrace your etheric body. Feel the connection with your etheric body.
Continue to breathe in Light.
Allow the Light to expand out to your emotional body, which interpenetrates your physical body, etheric body, and extends outside your etheric body approximately 150 mm or 6 inch. Take a moment to totally embrace your emotional body. Feel the connection with your emotional body.
Continue to breathe in Light.
Allow the Light to expand out to your mental body, which interpenetrates your physical body, etheric body, emotional body, and extends outside your emotional body. Take a moment to totally embrace your mental body. Feel the connection with your mental body.
Continue to breathe in Light.
Allow the Light to expand out to your spiritual body, which interpenetrates your physical body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and extends outside your mental body. Take a moment to totally embrace your spiritual body. Feel the connection with your spiritual body. Continue to breathe in Light. Feel all the fields around your body merge into a single Unified field.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to your Lower Self. Take a moment to totally embrace your Lower Self, and give it your un-conditional love and understanding. Feel the
Continue to breathe in Light.
Then lovingly command your emotional body, your mental body and Lower Self to surrender to your Soul, and to express fully under the direct supervision of your Soul with the new expanded awareness of Self.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to your Soul. Take a moment to totally embrace your Soul, and feel the un-conditional love from your Soul. Feel the connection.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to your Higher Self. Take a moment to totally embrace your Higher Self, and feel the un-conditional love from your Higher Self. Feel the connection.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to the Oversoul level of your Being. Take a moment to totally embrace the Oversoul, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection. Ask your Oversoul level to facilitate full reconnection with IT, and to assist you to release all blockages and to rejuvenate all your bodies.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to the Universal Consciousness level of your Being. Take a moment to totally embrace your Universal Consciousness, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection. Ask your Universal Consciousness level to help you to come into Unity Consciousness.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to the I AM Presence level of your Being. Take a moment to totally embrace your I AM Presence, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection. Know that this is your true identity as Differentiated Source. Note how expanded you feel, and sense your Power. Take time to commune with the I AM Presence, and bring up any of your personal concerns or desires.
Continue to breathe in Light,
Allow the Light to expand. With your intent connect up to Un-Differentiated Source. Take a moment to totally embrace Un- Differentiated Source in Spirit and Nature, and feel the un-conditional love from IT. Feel the connection, and the Oneness with everything that exists throughout all of Creation. Stay for as long as you desire in this heightened vibration.
Ask Spirit to allow you to express from your Wholeness in all that you do throughout the day.
Come fully back into your everyday normal waking consciousness when you are ready
For an excellent healing technique visit Activating Spin Points - The Lesser Chakras
Rob Lightbearer