
Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Manifestation - How to Manifest

Manifestation and conscious creation is a very popular subject in spiritual circles and may indeed be the reason why many of you got interested in spirituality in the first place.  There are many short films and written work on the subject but i have not yet found anything which actually tells the truth or sheds some light on how it works or how to become a conscious manifestor.
"The Secret" was a hit for quite some time, even now you still here people talk about this film, and more importantly try to understand the principles behind it.  "The Secret" concentrates on the manifestation of wealth and material issues into your life, however as a spiritual manifestor myself I fully understand that wealth is only a very small part of what manifestation brings into your life.
For me the peak daily experiences or experiences of joy are really what manifestation is all about, and no sooner than you are able to bring these small miracles into your life, then you will be able to start working on wealth.
Karma and Manifestation
I talk in great length about karma and its impact upon us.  Lets not be confused, karma is not some inter-universal spiritual conspiracy to get us our just deserts.  It is the impact on our greater energetic bodies of the thoughts and actions and most importantly our responses which Manifest, through our subsequent programming as inability to function in our fullest capacity. 
This may sound complicated but its not, i have other works on karma and don't want to drive this post down that road again.
Suffice it to say, if it is the thought forms of karmatic scarring which is preventing us from manifesting abundance and joy in our life then we must deal with that karma.  It is really that simple. Remove your karma and you remove your blocks to manifestation.
However!!!  The secret is just a rehash of Napolean Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" which in theory is correct control your thoughts and ultimately you control your universe.  The only problem is, you have both subconscious thoughts and super-conscious thoughts which may not be in harmony with your conscious efforts and thus sabotage your every move with negativity.  You must hijack the subconscious and super-conscious mind and make it work in a manner appropriate to your cause.
How to change the subconscious
The subconscious is driven by karma, or the thought forms stored in your energetic body.  So no matter how many times you tell yourself you are rich, if your subconscious tells you that you are poor then that is what you will be.
You can shift the thought forms, by energetic, physical and mental process's.
Energetic process's include receiving healing appropriate to what you are trying to achieve.  This is the most basic and readily available method of clearing karmatic scarring.  This if done correctly will leave you fresh and new "as a babe in arms" allowing you to make fresh unhindered choices.
There are also symbols which can be used during meditation or as small talismans, which will help work on the energetic pathways associated with manifestation.  I like this technique as you can take it with you everywhere.  Any time you feel a little unsure of yourself you just have to concentrate on the symbol and slowly you should feel your confidence return.
Physical means of clearing karma, are actions which are in exact opposition to that which your karma is trying to convince you is correct.  In this case we are talking about manifestation.  Your karmatic scarring may make you anxious around issues of money and wealth.  Whenever you start a course of action which makes you feel anxious follow through with it.  This will clear the thought forms associated with that action.
For instance if you are struggling to manifest, and feel nervous about the concept of sharing or donating, because you worry where the next coin will come from, you must clear that thought form, you will not manifest if you worry and retain as a result money, this is poverty consciousness.
Here is a small task you can do for yourself and will cost you nothing, but will slowly have the same effect.  I have shared a lot of information here free of charge.  I have given a gift of spiritual information.  I could have charged a small fortune as the vast majority of what I have written about is unique and not regurgitated from some other place on the internet.  By presenting this gift to you, I keep those energetic channels open which allow me to receive abundance and joy in alignment with my goals.
Once you have received these gifts, you can either hold on to them, or share them.  If you hold on to them then you are countering any efforts you may making in attempting manifestation. If you share them then you will slowly be opening the channels for yourself.  This may not open the channels to material wealth directly but will most definitely open the channels to joy which is the first stage of conscious manifestation.
I am permitting you now to use these works as a method of clearing your own abundance channels, you can do that by sharing what you have learned and place a link back to the page of what ever it is you think is worthwhile, every act of kindness is returned on you through your increasing ability to manifest abundance.
I once heard a saying which i think is very true.
"If you seek Laxshmi you will find her serving at the foot of Brahma"
Laxshmi the goddess of wealth and abundance is to be found not through prayer and meditation but in Gods throne room.

Roughly meaning that if you truly desire wealth, then do not follow a path of wealth as this will lead you to a location where Laxshmi is supposed to be but is not.  If you proceed down the path of spiritual development you will arrive in gods throne room where Laxshmi has been all along.

How to Heal The Manifestation Channels in order to become an effective co-creator.