
Friday, 21 January 2011

Palden Dorje ( Buddha Boy ) Dharma Sangha

Im not sure if you are aware or have heard of Palden Dorje.  He is quite a remarkable character who i have been watching for quite some time now and genuinely believe he has something very special to offer all beings.  He has devoted his life so far to the practices of love compassion and forgiveness as he knows them and is slowly nearing the start of his ministry.

Here is a brief overview of his teachings so far.

Palden Dorje's new name is Dharma Sangha.

His new committee and the name of the Dharma he teaches is called

Bodhi Sravan Dharma Sangha which means the Sangha of the Cosmic Law who heed the teachings of enlightenment.( This committee has now been legally registered in Nepal as a non-profit organization.) There are many levels of enlightenment, and he has been instructed by many Gurus (also called Buddhas) of many different religious traditions throughout the world through his meditation. The Gurus, both male and female, come to bless him, imparting what they have learned during their lives on this Earth. In 2011 he will share with us according to our capabilities what he has learned over these six years through texts, chanted prayer, meditation techniques and many explanatory thangkha. There are several requirements that are basic to obtaining this knowledge, that is open mindedness and avoiding discrimination towards any living being no matter what caste, religion, gender, race, or social standing; a sincere desire to serve the purposes of this Earth, and all its inhabitants, whether human, animal, or plant, that they may be happy and free; and a fervent wish to reach enlightenment for the sake of benefitting all sentient beings. This will take place in the Halkoriya Jungle and at the Terthup Dharma Hall now under construction at Dharma Sangha's first meditation site.

Dharma Sangha (October 8, 2010):

Homage to Guru Dharma!

Homage to Guru, and Maitri to all religions and communities!

For world peace and to benefit all sentient beings, I’m giving this message of peace to the world with new wisdom and a new method.

I , Dharma Sangha, will continue penance for nine months more. Afterwards, I will teach the wisdom and pure Dharma to those devotees who wander here in search of receiving that which is given to me by the Buddhas. Also I will continue to do meditation and penance.

The wisdom which is given to me by the Buddhas is Bodhi Shrawan Dharma, to which I have listened and understood from the Buddhas themselves, and also by following those paths of wisdom and I will be telling that wisdom according to devotees’ needs and capacity of understanding.

This Dharma is a path, full of the pure Wisdom of the Buddhas. Modern people believe that, Dharma is a principle and institution, and though they have reached the meaning of Dharma closely, they are in fact far from real Dharma.

I believe that those who practice the eight moralities, and understand the real Dharma will practice the pure Dharma.

Eight moralities or rules are:

1.Not to discriminate against human beings according to their cast, religion, gender or color etc.

2.Not to humiliate religions by comparing them as superior or inferior.

3.Not to accept discriminative doctrinal principles.

4.Not to think of nations as separate or treat countries as friends and enemies.

5.To avoid debates and arguments as to whether something is true or false as one view will likely be undervalued and another exaggerated.

6.Not to practice the 10 negative actions.

7.To practice three trainings- moral discipline, concentration and wisdom and the dedication of your life to social and national services.

8.To attain perfect enlightenment or dedicate yourself to get liberation for oneself or others.

I would like to tell the world to practice the eight moralities or rules. Practice all the moralities and spread the pure Dharma and peace in the world.

Besides this, I focus on keeping the spiritual Gurus and lay persons away from greed, fame, ignorance and attachment and always focus on attaining perfect happiness and peace for as long as life exists.

Finally, let’s make this world a Dharma world which is very suitable to live in not only for human beings, animals, living creatures, and plants, but also for Buddhas.

May All Beings Be Happy.

Dharma Sangha (November 22, 2008):

Great, great vehicle that means

I have taken refuge in Great Ampa dharma

I have taken refuge in all monks

I have taken refuge in the sangha

All sentient beings are impermanent

All present things are impermanent.

Transitory intellectual forms are rich only for appearance. From the creation of human to all sentient beings all are policy of birth, old age, death of the cycle of impermanent existence.

Nobody can stop this. The world knows the present form, past form, Arhat soul form, supreme being form, non being form. These three forms has already made the world unsteady. The true knowledge Maitriya knowledge has not been recognized by anybody. The soul Maitreya knowledge has its own guidance. But the policy of the world is not Supreme Being. It does not change it's philosophy in its essence. But all philosophy, the philosophy of religion is talking about the same thing. All human beings are unable regarding the religion and Bedha philosophy. Some kept doing some doing following the religion Beda and the whole life was repent. All religious text will find a different one while the same form philosophy. Those who get guidance will be submerged in practical selfish attitude but the glory between soul and super soul will never end. If the maitreya knowledge between the soul and super soul is recognized the wrong karma element of the world can be destroyed. But the world is submerged in its own selfish aim and nobody could keep the search of soul and the super soul in their heart. Today the world is in search of non violence and guidance in the form of kindness and maitreya.

That could not be found from anywhere but today the world is frightened, terrorized and restless by the name of materialism. If this war generation is changed again the world will if that is obtained by the same form philosophy dhyanmarga I have been following. I will bring to light thousands of Buddhist texts, Buddhist guidance through meditation. In today's world there is the maitreya idea between soul and the super soul that is going thin and slow. The weakness between human beings is getting respect less and devotion less because of kali yuga. Because of momentary happiness the maitri feeling between soul and the super soul has already been forgotten. All momentary addiction form philosophy and material form philosophy will leave religion philosophy one day. But the repentance of whole life will become blue sky form that comes after death.

If we have the knowledge of maitri between the soul and super soul because of one's spiritual power the subtle knowledge can be seen after death. I have gained the guidance of the whole life through hard meditation philosophy. The knowledge that is gained through dedication will be improved in practical knowledge. To liberate all sentient beings as well as to show the world the way to peace, all human beings, monks, knowledge and kempo dharma followers I will speak about maitreya knowledge form philosophy. Unless there is enlightened wisdom between all sentient beings, I have already dedicated my life for the helpless sentient beings.

This mahayan or maha Ampa dharma is not only for myself but it is for the liberation of all helpless beings. I have been meditating with lot of difficulty and I have become the Guru of all dharma or the first dharma of all which is srawan dharma. Second from among the dedication dharma Bodhisattwa which means I have become the Guru to liberate all helples beings. Hundreds of Jimphen Buddha means the Maitry Buddha. Hundred Jimphen Semkoi means all the sentient beings who have the feeling of Maitry. The second form philosophy Maha Ampa dharma or mahayan yanik.

While looking at the form philosophy of the whole world from meditation philosophy point of view the instance form will be improved and changed. While changing the whole sentient beings don't be unsatisfied evil. This is the form philosophy of the whole world which keeps changing. If properly guided, if helpless sentient beings are liberated, if proper guidance for liberation and siddhi is provided for the worldly knowledge the helpless sentient beings the worldly knowledge that liberates the helpless sentient beings this is the non soul maitry knowledge which liberates and gives miraculous power.

Riddi Siddhi

May all beings be happy.
Dharma Sangha (November 10, 2008):

I have taken refuge in the Great Great Vehicle that is Yampa Dharma

I have taken refuge in all Dharma, Sangha

I greet all Buddha lineages and take refuge. Keeping in mind, in accordance with the time of each society, public sentiment, the country and birth and stay, while meditating and practicing for the purpose of attaining peace for livelihood, I have dedicated my whole life, body and speech for suffering beings.

The day was auspicious and the boy was age six or seven. That boy was of silent thought and noble feeling. One day at the request of the god of sleep the boy saw in a vision a great person preaching. That great person was wearing a white robe, his complexion was white and light was coming out of his body and speech came out of him, “Look here human being why have you come? That boy had gone to visit that great man. Then he also promised the boy why have you come ? who are you ? such speech was being heard. In that situation the answer was given by the boy. He was a mediator in his past life and his age was eight or nine. Then one miraculous scene occurred. There was a village of the Tharu community at some distance from the village. One dead body was brought from that village for cremation at the bank of a river which is near the village. That boy was roaming with his friends near there. All of a sudden the boy's sight went towards the funeral pyre. That light was burning in yellow and green flame. Day by day that boy started to think that liberation will be achieved after death in the same manner. Insight of the previous meditation got developed and the bright light of the body which was on the funeral pyre and the knowledge of the meditation of past life reminded him day and night. Gradually, after the knowledge of meditation path the need of one solitary place was raised. In the beginning, starting from the seventh chakra while reaching at Brahma chakra. klesha and Mara were destroyed and invisible lights entered into the body. The knowledge of Maitri of Lok and Alok has been gained. The knowledge about the Lok and Alok can not be given to this Samsara (world) unless and until the god gives order to do so. For this Samsara, I am abiding Dharma while being a Bodhisattwa keeping away from undesired action (Akushala papa) keeping the Maitri Bhawana (noble thought) in mind one has to act good with karma, speech and mind while being away from sexual misconduct, anger, and greed. From the Dhyana marga (meditation path) again God gave the speech. This troubled world is suffering because it is not getting Karuna (Compassion) because of ignorance caused by greed, anger, aversion, envy and attachment. The human beings have taken the policy and tradition to destroy themselves as well as the god lineage. Let's make path of peace. Abide by nana ashana dharma by renouncing body, speech and mind for the sentient beings of the world which are in the form of consciousness is the first aim for world peace and liberation of sentient beings of the world being one pointed to concentration for the welfare of human beings Dharma. I will always provide pure guidance by taking seela, dharma and punya as daily routine

I have taken refuge in the liberator forever. I will change all conscious lost sentient beings into the path of liberation and mokchya by making them realize the thought of compassion by keeping in mind the world which is lingering in between the earth and the sky which has taken impermanent birth and wandering in the world

It is not that there has been no noble truth knowledge in the world for the welfare of sentient beings. In all noble beings policy, tradition, religion is being changed in a changed form. Wrong policy, tradition and religion has led all noble beings towards separation. That is why it is one form of human beings of the world to accept good policy. The parmatma element knowledge is the same. The world standing on one element. One element will destroy as well as save the world. If the whole world accepts one right religion I can light the light of peace. The whole world will be able to touch the thought of each other. The knowledge of Dharma will provide guidance for non-violence, charity and compassion and to liberate the sentient beings the human beings besides understanding this thought of friendship will be suffering because of desire and attachment created by ignorance. Human beings suffer because of worldly greed. They are restless and in agony from the burden of evil deed. What is the meaning of human beings’ suffering? There is a problem understanding what the suffering of human beings is. We don't want to experience the suffering. In this impermanent world there is nothing that has no suffering. From birth to death, being human there is suffering. By not being successful in forgetting or renouncing desire, suffering humans are in the suffering world throughout life. That's why in the world it is full of the law of injustice and untruth all struggling with the thought of desire.

Likewise, it is a difficult thing to take the path of human welfare. But human beings full of desire are suffering because of blind faith. By always thinking about them, I will be absorbed in meditation by taking the form of a Bodhisattwa for the liberation of all sentient beings suffering in the cycle of this world until all of them get enlightenment.

May all beings be happy.

Dharma Sangha (October 19, 2007):

Prayers of Kunchu Sum, the three divine beings.

Peace among all living creatures

and for the spiritual welfare of mankind, this is a message:

I salute all religious seekers.

I salute all monks.

And I salute all religious sangha.

Since I have received a command from the Bhagavan of the three jewels to liberate and uplift humankind and the creatures of the world, I have abided by the promise to free the transient world from the ocean of emotions, and to free the world from worldly ignorance; I have been contemplating single mindedly to free human kind and all living creatures. All sentient beings want to be liberated from worldly sorrows and pains. But by birth they are not equipped as humankind to seek after spirituality and get freed. They are also praying to Bhagavan. They are glad to be in this world. Humankind are creating traditions that will destroy the entire humanity and living creatures. In the name of religion; killings, violence, anger, jealousy and divisions are being promoted. There is only one atma (higher self); this has one form; the higher self of all humans is the same, only the tradition and customs are different. Always embrace the path of mercy, compassion, non-violence, peace; this is the message I want to convey to our society and to all the citizens of the world. A true Dharma, the true human Dharma, will always search for truth. The search for truth is the only beneficial way of humans. Despite the existence of thousands of paths; chaos, greed, attachment, anger, and jealousy have imprisoned our society and humankind. In this way the world is heading towards destruction. So it is high time that the citizens of the world take this into consideration. Humans should never forget their ultimate religious duty and their society. Refrain from killings, violence, greed, jealousy, attachments and evil character. Shed the tears of mercy and compassion; show to the world the way of liberation. After we die it is extremely difficult to return to a human life. People think that we don’t reincarnate after death. No, we receive a human life due to our virtuous work. We earn the fruits due to the merits of our work. Now the world is governed by three forms. The first form is greed; the second form is anger; the third form is attachment and jealousy that are ruling this world. May all the religious traditions change. All the religious people need to first find the Truth, and by cultivating mercy, compassion, non-violence, and peace in their hearts, they need to beautify the world with the way of liberation. I will continue to contemplate and meditate on the liberation of living beings by being focused in my path of wisdom until I find the ultimate form of enlightenment, the Samyak Sambodhi. Salute to the ultimate form of enlightenment and may all beings be happy.

Dharma Sangha (August 2, 2007):

Murder, violence, greed, anger and temptation have made the human world a desperate place. A terrible storm has descended upon the human world, and this is carrying the world towards destruction. There is only one way to save the world and that is through dharma. When one doesn't walk the righteous path of spiritual practice, this desperate world will surely be destroyed. Therefore, follow the path of spirituality and spread this message to your fellows. Never put obstacles, anger and disbelief in the way of my meditation's mission. I am only showing you the way; you must seek it on your own. What I will be, what I will do, the coming days will reveal. Human salvation, the salvation of all living beings, and peace in the world are my goal and my path. "Namo Buddha sangaya, Namo Buddha sangaya, namo sangaya." I am contemplating on the release of this chaotic world from the ocean of emotion, on our detachment from anger and temptation, without straying from the path for even a moment, I am renouncing my own attachment to my life and my home forever, I am working to save all living beings. But in this undisciplined world, my life's practice is reduced to mere entertainment.

The practice and devotion of many Buddhas is directed at the world's betterment and happiness. It is essential but very difficult to understand that practice and devotion. But though it is easy to lead this ignorant existence, human beings don't understand that one day we must leave this uncertain world and go with the Lord of Death. Our long attachments with friends and family will dissolve into nothingness. We have to leave behind the wealth and property we have accumulated. What's the use of my happiness, when those who have loved me from the beginning, my mother, father, brothers, relatives are all unhappy. Therefore, to rescue all sentient beings, I have to be Buddha-mind, and emerge from my underground cave to do vajra meditation. To do this I have to realize the right path and knowledge, so do not disturb my practice. My practice detaches me from my body, my soul and this existence. In this situation there will be 72 goddess Kalis. Different gods will be present, along with the sounds of thunder and of "tangur", and all the celestial gods and goddesses will be doing puja (worship). So until I have sent a message, do not come here, and please explain this to others. Spread spiritual knowledge and spiritual messages throughout the world. Spread the message of world peace to all. Seek a righteous path and wisdom will be yours.

Read the Traditional Chinese Medicine series

Rob Lightbearer