
Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Higher Levels of Reality

I have been asked on a number of occasions to describe if possible how to understand the various stages of consciousness in spiritual development. It is quite a complex issue, but I have found this document which explains it quite well. Personally I don't like the way it is written as it can sound a little condescending (though it is advertising a meditation and spiritual development system which is allegedly the bees knees, so I suppose it is intended to make you believe that you cant progress without this individuals paid services, though I can guarantee the free information on The Healing Sphere is more than a match for it).

Opinions aside, from my experience I do believe that the tools below do help you to realise where both in meditation and in the physical we are at, in spiritual developmental terms. I do know that on each occasion which I have risen to a new plane and dimension there have been profound changes in my life. Issues which I have struggled with for so long have just fallen away and no longer been a concern. ( though it requires a lot of work both in meditation, application of techniques and resolution of karmic issues in order to achieve)

Please remember that what is being described below, is both meditative states and also impact on our physical lives, don't however be dismayed if you apply the chart and discover that you still carry issues which maybe you should not. If you follow a path of energetic development there will be a whiplash effect. By this I mean that you will progress to a stage energetically and then slowly there will be an actualisation process whereby you realise the true nature of that particular level and stage in consciousness. So you can in fact be verging on the monadic plane energetically, yet still struggle with some issues which in theory should be resolved. This is normal, and you can expect resolution or a raising in consciousness when the whiplash slowly catches you up. As Dr Joshua David Stone has said, one only requires to balance 54% of our karma in order to ascend. Some individuals will have a purpose which defies convention and may retain some earthly ailment which acts as a reminder so to speak.

Anyway enough of my waffle.

How to Determine If You Have Reached a Higher Level of Reality, and What Pseudo-Higher Planes/Levels Are.

Many people mistakenly believe that they have entered the higher planes or levels but have actually entered their reflection on the Astral or Mental levels. The shift to a higher plane should be as dramatic as shifting from the Physical to the Astral. All the planes are radically different states of reality and consciousness. On the Astral Plane exist replicas of the higher planes or pseudo-higher planes that can be traveled by imagining one is traveling from one to the other. In actuality, one is really traveling the Astral plane only. Also, on the Mental Plane exist replicas of the higher planes or pseudo-higher planes that can be traveled by thinking one is traveling from one to the other. In actuality, one is really traveling the Mental plane only. Those with a mystical or emotional orientation are usually lost in the Astral pseudo-higher planes. Those with an occult or mental orientation are usually lost in the Mental pseudo-higher planes. Only by concentrative meditation, resulting in samadhi / jhana / absorption states, are the higher planes actually entered.

You can determine if you have reached a higher plane of reality or a pseudo-higher plane by the presence and absence of particular Experiential Elements. When you review the experience after meditating you can analyze it for the presence or absence of the particular experiential elements and determine where you were. Or, during the experience, you may momentary review the state, and then redirect your attention one-pointedly back toward the meditation object. Once you have learned to establish yourself in a particular level and maintain it with your will then your may review it more thoroughly without losing your height of focused attention.

The following Experiential Elements apply to the 8(9) Jhanas (the 9th is attained by combining Insight with Concentration Meditation.)
1. directed or applied thought; thinking; initial attention
2. pondering; sustained thought; sustained attention
3. joy, anticipatory pleasant feeling, delight, rapture, euphoria, ecstasy,
4. happiness, bliss, satisfying pleasant feeling
5. one-pointedness of mind, absorbed attention
6. external sense desires
7. unwholesome states of mind
8. internal confidence, inner tranquility of mind
9. unification of mind
10. equanimity, attitude of all is equal/same, non-bias
11. mindfulness, superconscious
12. sense of resistance
13. bodily sensations
14. perceptions of diversity
15. sphere of boundless space
16. sphere of boundless consciousness
17. sphere of no-thingness
18. Sphere of neither perception nor non-perception (perceptual element nearly gone except for only subtle perception of very core/essential individualized self)
19. feeling
20. perception
21. pure universal identity
22. ill will or anger
23. laziness and sleepiness
24. agitation and worry
25. doubt

Level, Body,
Jhana, Hindu Names, Samadhi State

Elements Present /Active

Elements Absent /Calmed

Level, Causal/Soul Body, 1st Jhana, Devaloka, Vijnanamayakosa,
Samprajnata-Vicara Samadhi

1. directed thought,
2. sustained thought, 3. joy, rapture, 4. happiness, bliss), 5.
one-pointedness of mind

6. external sense
desires , 7. unwholesome states of mind, 22. Ill will or anger,
23. Laziness and sleepiness, 24. Agitation and worry, 25. Doubt

Level, Manasic/ Higher Mind Body, 2nd Jhana, Devaloka,
Vijnana-mayakosa, Samprajnata-Vicara Samadhi

3. joy, rapture, 4.
happiness, bliss, 5. one-pointedness of mind, 8. internal
confidence, 9. unification of mind

all of above and . .
.1. directed thought, 2. sustained thought

Buddhic Level,
Buddhic / Christic Body, 3rd Jhana, Devaloka, Anandamayakosa,
Samprajnata-Sananda Samadhi

4. happiness, bliss,
5. one-pointedness of mind, 10. equanimity, 11. mindfulness

all of above and . .
. 1. directed thought, 2. sustained thought, 3. joy, rapture

Atmic Level, Atmic
Body, 4th Jhana, Brahmaloka, Atman, Samprajnata-Sasmita Samadhi

5. one-pointedness
of mind, 10. Equanimity, 11. Mindfulness

all of above and . .
. 1. directed thought, 2. sustained thought, 3. joy, rapture, 4.
happiness, bliss, 12. Sense of resistance

Monadic Level,
Monadic Aspect, 5th Jhana, Vishnuloka, Nirbija Samadhi

5. one-pointedness
of mind, 15. Sphere of boundless space

all of above and . .
. 12. Sense of resistance, 14. perceptions of diversity, 13.
bodily sensations, 19. Feeling

Monadic Level,
Monadic Aspect, 6th Jhana, Vishnuloka, Nirbija Samadhi

5. one-pointedness
of mind, 16. Sphere of boundless consciousness

all of above and . .
. 15. Sphere of boundless space, 19. Feeling

Logoic Level,
Logoic/ God/ Goddess/ Solar Aspect, 7th Jhana, Shivaloka,
Dharma-Megha-Nirbija Samadhi

5. one-pointedness
of mind, 17. Sphere of no-thingness

all of above and . .
. 16. Sphere of boundless consciousness, 19. Feeling

Logoic Level,
Logoic/ God/ Goddess/ Solar Aspect, 8th Jhana, Shivaloka,
Dharma-Megha-Nirbija Samadhi

5. one-pointedness
of mind, 18. Sphere of neither perception nor non-perception

all of above and . .
. 17. Sphere of no-thingness, 19. Feeling

Logoic Level,
Logoic/ God/ Goddess/ Solar Aspect, (9th) “Cessation”,
Shivaloka, Dharma-Megha-Nirbija Samadhi

5. one-pointedness
of mind 21. Pure universal identity

all of above and . .
.19. Feeling, 20. Perception

Jhanas/Samadhis and Levels or Planes of Reality

In each Jhana/Samadhi, the personality is fused with:
1st Jhana: Higher/Abstract Mind and lower levels of the Soul/ Causal/ Light Body.
2nd Jhana: higher levels of the Soul/Light body and the Universal Mind, Unbounded Joy.
3rd Jhana: Buddhic or Christed Body, Unbounded Bliss, Universal Love.
4th Jhana: Atmic Body, Perfect Equanimity, Universal Will/Life, Transition of Cessation of Feeling.
5th Jhana: Unbounded/Universal Space, Transcendence of Form and Diversity
6th Jhana: Monadic Consciousness.
7th Jhana: Very beginning of Logoic Plane
8th Jhana: Core of Monad, Spark of God, Core Individuality, last remnant of Individual Self. Composed of 7 Logoic atoms on lowest subplane of Logoic Plane.
9th Jhana: “Cessation of feeling and perception”, Transcendence of Individuality and Personal Point of View because both feeling and perception require a Personal Point of View, Identification with Logoic/Solar Life, Logoic Plane.

I appologise about the size of the table above, i have just made an IT breakthrough, in that i can now programme a table but need to adjust it slightly in order to make it more palatable.

one word of warning, that has just been brought to my attention again, there are a number of organisations and individuals who claim to offer instantaneous enlightenment via either a simple transmission or by a chat. Please use discernment when approached by these methods as it is not a reality as yet. It takes time to integrate all of the above aspects of reality into your life.

Though if you do find someone who you beleive has this ability, then based on the first time i heard this claim, we should all be in the 9th jhana around kidding.