
Wednesday, 7 April 2010

105 Spiritual Laws, Universal Laws

I am frequently asked about spiritual laws and how to practically implement them in our lives. Most frequently those questions relate to manifestation, abundance and karma. This post is purely informational, but will lead onto some very interesting discussions and exercises which will help elevate consciousness and understanding as well as improve our lives through practical application of the laws.

Spiritual laws are not like the ten commandments or similar legal statutes based on court rulings, they actually resemble more closely to scientific principles which if applied correctly things will work out as you wish them to. If you choose not to apply them then you succumb to the net results of your efforts regardless of what your positive intent may be. Study and practice of the spiritual laws is the one key secret to success as they disclose the metaphysical psychology of the inner workings of the universe.

105 Spiritual Laws - Law 1 to 20
1. The Law of Abundance. (sometimes referred to as the Law of Opulence or Success.) By creating visualizations of abundance in our lives we draw this energy of success into our reality. Success or abundance does not only apply to money. There is success in communication, spirituality, relationships and so on. When creating the abundance of financial gain remember to be IN this world, but not OF this world. We are not the sum total of your possessions.

2. The Law of Action. No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life. Those of us who think we understand concepts, such as commitment, courage, and love, one day discover that we only create knowingness when we act; doing becomes understanding. Every aspirant is a focal point of energy and should be a conscious focal point. In the midst of the whirl and storm (of the chaos of third dimension) s/he should make his/her presence felt.

3. The Law of Akasha. A great cosmic law which, is the principle of the intelligence of substance.

4. The Law of Analogy. Although this is a definite condition of third dimension existence, no analogy is ever exact in detail but only in certain broad basic correspondences. There will be found unchangeable points of resemblance, but in using analogy viewing creation, no two details are exact. Using analogy in trying to mentally explain the unexplainable, one attempts to convey understanding, in a broad sense.

5. The Law of Ascension. This law defines the high vibrational frequency, which the soul of an incarnational being is resonating. When a personality looses the illusion of separation from it's god self, the vibration of that person raises to the point of ascension. No longer does this mean that the incarnational personality leaves the earth plane to live a finer existence. We are meant to bring our loving energies to our every day existence, becoming an example or role model for others to emulate. We can recognize this vibrational frequency in others by the degree to which they are a magnet to others.

6. The Law of Attraction. This is the basic law of all manifestation, the Love Aspect, and it governs the Soul aspect. One of the Three Major Laws, and it has 11 subsidiary laws. Fundamentally, this law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to the Sirian. It holds our planets revolving around our central unit, the sun. It holds the lesser systems of atomic and molecular matter circulating around a centre in the planet, and that of the subtle bodies co-ordinated around their microcosmic centre. It is the primary law of man. The law of synthesis is beginning to be felt.

7. The Law of Balance or Equipoise. (fair exchange) This is elaboration and continuation of the law of equalities. The law of balance is a universal law that supersedes all of man's laws, creating stability for all third dimension manifestation. Each thought must be balanced by whomever creates it. This is divine wisdom. Allow all viewpoints without feeling you must defend your own. Allow no one to tell you what your journey must reflect or what your reality is. Do not give your power away so easily, but give your love unconditionally. Any messages communicated in love validates equality. Low self esteem is just as non productive as a puffed up sense of self esteem. They both deny equality. Another manifestation of the imbalance of this law is addiction.

8. The Law of Challenge. We have the right to ask of another his or her intent, identity, and whatever pertinent information we feel we require when encountering a disembodied being. Those who come to us in the roll of information givers to channellers don't mind being challenged. Ask the entity your questions three times (using the same words each time) and you will be given the correct information.

9. The Law of Chemical Affinity. This law governs the soul aspect in the mineral kingdom. It concerns the marriage of the atoms, and the romance of the elements. It serves to perpetuate the life of the mineral kingdom and to preserve its integrity. It is the cause of the immetalisation of the Monad.

10. The Law of Cohesion. One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. On the second plane cohesion is first apparent. It is the first molecular plane of the system, and is the home of the Monad. Divine coherency is demonstrated.

11. The Law of Colour. All colours are centres of attraction, and are complementary or are antipathetic to each other. Colour is healing and impacts the physical, emotional, mental and human body profoundly. Man is partially composed of colour in the aura (we are colour, tone, symbols and speed of vibration, or light). When intense rays of one or more colours are sent to a specific area of the body, change results.

12. The Law of Common Ground. This is viewed as a problem solving approach and is an area where two or more can gather to blend differences. It demands that the area be cleansed of previous energy left by others who historically have passed through, or lived on the spot. This is done by two or more sending loving energy to the area for a specified period of time. Cage the area with a gold net and it will stay cleansed of other's energy. You will leave your energy, but that can be cleansed once you have used this space and are leaving.

13. The Law of Consciousness. As consciousness expands, the space for events increases and therefore the dimensions in which man congises good and evil, opportunity and possibilities, past-present-future enlarge to reveal the outstanding needs in this present world cycle.

14. The Law of Continuity of Consciousness. The Universe is in a continuous and endless process of creation. Cosmic consciousness is a reality, and everything in creation is connected to everything else. The medium for the 'implicate order' of this relationship is consciousness. The fusion of individual consciousness and the universal consciousness (the building of the antahkarana) results in the development of universal knowledge, of omniscience (all science/all knowledge). Continuity of consciousness is achieved by us after the soul has been acknowledged, awakened, liberated and identified with the Whole (enlightenment). A step to achieve enlightenment is to be aware of our thoughts, emotions and actions, the faculty that enables us to be vigilant, observant or to know.

15. The Law of Cycles. The world of nature exists within a larger pattern of cycles, such as day and night and the passing of the seasons. The seasons do not push one another. Neither do clouds race the wind across the sky. All things happen in good time. Everything as a time to rise, and a time to fall. Whatever rises, falls and whatever falls shall rise again. That is the principle of cycles.

16. The Law of Cyclic Return. Otherwise known as the wheel of reincarnation, once a soul qualifies for an incarnation to third dimension, there is an understanding that it must be completed. Reincarnation is that process by which the 'consciousness of the permanent atom' manifests in another body through the human birthing process. (This accounts for the fact of genius in the very young.) All karma must be cleared or forgiven and certain aspects of soul growth accomplished before this entire episode of reincarnational growth is considered finished .

17. The Law or Right to Decree. (Divine Invocation) This particular law exists for those working in service to others. Self serving beings will find this law ineffective. This law allows the ascended realms to move from the confines of the Law of Non-Intervention to act on our behalf. Add the phrase to your decree, "Under the Law of Grace" as this is an 'out' clause which will not allow us to manifest or invoke anything which would be detrimental to our existence or not of the highest interest for all, and remain karmic free. In order for your decree to work it must be invoked three times. An Example - "By Divine Decree, in the name of (Yahweh, God, Jesus, Ascend Masters, healing Angels, Mother Mary, My I AM self, etc.) and under the Law of Grace, I ask for _____. It is done, and I thank you." Say the entire request three times, then let it go - trust it is in higher hands.

18. The Law of Discipline. By practising discipline, one expands the entity to a greater degree than almost any other action. Discipline is the surest means to greater freedom and independence. It provides the focus to achieve the skill level and depth of knowledge that translates into more options in life. Commitment involves discipline over a specific period of time. Discipline and commitment provide the bridge between here and our goals.

19. The Law of Disintegration. One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. On the third plane comes the final casting-off, the ultimate shedding of the sheaths, of the fivefold superman. A Chohan of the sixth Initiation discards all the sheaths beneath the monadic vehicle, from the atmic to the physical.

20. The Law of Divine Flow. By living in the moment, centring ourselves in love and being in service to others (as opposed to service to self), we live in the law of divine flow. We stay in the moment by moment flowing of our higher self, creating actions which reflect love and allowingness. When we are able to do this, we notice how we say just the right things, do what is best for all, and refrain from doing that which we previously disliked in ourselves or others. We maintain a stronger connection to our God self. The more we do this, the more we are able to do this. To a degree, the deliberate letting go of this flow is the allowing of our spiritual integrity to be compromised.

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