
Friday, 9 October 2009

The Planetary Rays - for Balance and Spiritual Development 3 - The Masters

Having discussed the planetary rays, it is now poignant to point out that each ray is under the control of an ascended master or (Chohan) whose responsibility it is to maintain the balance and delivery of each ray. Each Chohan has properties and personal qualities which reflect the ray. For development you can call in each ray and allow the master to work as he does in the background. Or indeed you can call in the Master’s themselves for help and assistance.

I have collated here a list of the Chohan’s and their qualities, you can call in each Chohan during meditation or whenever you feel the need in order to support your development.

El Morya

Chohan of the First Ray, connected to the Temple of the Will of God.

El Morya was embodied as Abraham, the wise man Melchior, Arthur, king of the Britons, Thomas Beckett, Thomas More - both martyred, Akbar, greatest of Mogul emperors, Thomas Moore, and El Morya Khan, the most renowned of the Tibetan mahatmas. El Morya came originally from Mercury and is a member of the White Brotherhood. He works with Archangel Michael and is the chohan or master of the first ray, which is red and governs power and will, drive, confidence and strength. He works with rulers, executives, public servants, the military, sports people and those who are commanders.

Djwhal Khul

Djwhal Khul, also called "The Tibetan," was a beautiful master who achieved liberation under master Kuthumi's guidance. He is profoundly learned, knowing more about the seven rays and the spiritual hierarchy than perhaps any of his peers. He channelled wisdom works to Alice Bailey, a modern leader of the Theosophical Society. With Kuthumi and El Morya, he works diligently for our enlightenment.

Djwhal Khul is known as The Tibetan who channelled the mighty esoteric works to Alice Bailey. He works under Lord Kuthumi and is a very learned being, working specifically to help us to move forward into the Golden Age. He is one of the most accessible of the Masters of Shamballa. Also known as Master of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom. He was known to materialize, dematerialize and bi-locate. He works to balance energies and make them easily accessible to all. Shortly after leaving the earth plane in the late 1800's he began working with El Morya, Kuthumi and St. Germain to assist them in the research of Helen Blavatsky.

Master Kuthumi

Kuthumi is the chohan or master of the second ray, which is deep blue and governs Divine love, wisdom and truth and understand. He is a member of the Brotherhood of Golden Robe, those who take on the pain of world. He has an etheric retreat at Machu Picchu. In past incarnations he was Pythagoras, bringing in sacred geometry and the music of the spheres. He was the wise man, Balthazar, Shah Jahan and St Francis of Assisi. He works with Archangel Jophiel, and helps to touch people with wisdom & illumination, tact, foresight, consideration and friendliness. He works particularly with teachers, students, architect, ambassador and the artistic. He comes to those who seek knowledge in this time of change. Some say his previous incarnations are said to be John the Divine, Casper (one of the three Wise Men) among the others listed.

Serapis Bey

Serapis Bey, an ascended master associated with Luxor in Egypt, who holds open the Temple doors on the etheric level, and is one of the great teachers of ascension on the planet. Serapis Bey originally came from Venus and is the Keeper of the White flame. He works with Archangel Chamuel on the ray of compassion and is the only Ascended Master who works with the Seraphim. He has an ascension seat Luxor. In past incarnations he was a priest in Atlantis and was the Pharaoh Akhenaton IV and also Amenophis. He is the master of the third ray, the yellow ray of active, creative intelligence, helping to bring perfection, focus and independence to artists, musicians, peacemakers, philosophers and metaphysicians. He works to balance and activate artistic beauty in all areas of life. He helps with personal initiations.

Paul the Venetian

Embodied as Paolo Veronese (Paolo Caliari) 1528-1588, Italian Master Renaissance painter. He broke away from the tradition in religious art of making the figures of Christ and his apostles stiff and unreachable. He was a spiritual revolutionary who fought against the forces of anti-Life in the arts, and saw Beauty as the most powerful catalyst for enlightenment. He was an Egyptian master of esoteric architecture who worked with El Morya (then a master mason) at the time of the building of the pyramids. Also an Artist in the Incan empire who used paints that did not fade. Head of cultural affairs in the government of Atlantis who, before the sinking of Atlantis, established a Focus of the Liberty Flame in Peru - which gave an impetus to the culture, beauty, and wealth of the Incan civilization.

Also known as: The Venetian Master, The Venetian, Lord of the Fourth Ray. Service to Life: Chohan of the Fourth Ray (Love, Beauty, Art) Initiation and balancing of the heart chakra. Helps develop tolerance and love for one another. Training of elementals. Ascended: April 19, 1588 from the Chateau de Liberte in southern France after his passing at the age of sixty.

Master Hilarion

Chohan of the Fifth Ray, which is orange, the ray of concrete science, knowledge and research, which is connected to the Temple of Truth. He is helping to bring in the scientific aspect of the New Age. He is particularly teaching us to use our mental powers and drops seed thoughts of the new technology and scientific ideas into receptive minds. He works to help us expand the mind and bring new consciousness and spirituality into all areas of scientific discovery.

He stands for accuracy justice, common sense and upright attitudes and works particularly with mathematicians, scientists, inventors, musicians, chemists, electricians, engineers, surgeons and researchers. He represents the highest galactic confederation of our solar system in Saturn. In a previous incarnation he was Paul the apostle. He works with Archangel Raphael.

Master Jesus

Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ - because of the fullness of manifesting the Christ Self, "Only Begotten Son of God", Lord and Savior (Savior), Incarnation of the Word, the Universal Christ (the Word Incarnate), Cosmic Christ, World Savior (Savior), World Teacher, Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, Avatar of the Piscean Age - the example of the Christ Consciousness that was to have been out pictured in that two-thousand year Dispensation, World Teacher. Holds the Office for this evolution of the "Only Begotten Son" - and therefore the Representative not only of that Universal Christ but also of the individual Holy Christ Self.

Responsible for: Ruby Ray, Purple and Gold Ray, Resurrection Flame, Twelve Legions of Angels from the Heart of the Father/Mother God, Angels of Peace, Angels of Love, Angels of the Ruby Ray , Angels of the Purple and Gold Ray , Angels of the Resurrection Flame. Jesus Christ is known as Sananda in the inner planes. He is the Master of the sixth ray, the ray of abstract idealism and devotion, which is indigo.

During his incarnation as Jesus, He was a high priest in the order of Melchizedek and was overshadowed during His life by Lord Maitreya. He also had lives as Adam, Enoch, Jeshua, Joshua, Elijah and Joseph of Egypt. He works with Archangel Uriel to bring peace, brotherhood, service and freedom to people. Many missionaries, lawyers, public servants, social workers, blue collar workers, farmers and business people are on this ray.

Lady Nada

Lady Master Nada - Chohan of the Sixth Ray "Nada" means "nothing," which refers to her great humility. Lady Nada - Sacral Chakra. Lady Nada, a beautiful ascended master written about in the first two "green books" of the St. Germain Press: Unveiled Mysteries, and The Magic Presence. She is said to be the twin flame of Jesus. She works on the ray of compassion and is on the Karmic Board.. Lady Nada works with mental healing and upliftment. The thousand petaled lotus on her forehead symbolizes enlightenment for the feminine, as well as the masculine, mental body. She teaches that intelligence requires the addition of love to become wisdom.

Saint Germain

Ascended Master Saint Germain's Cosmic Name is "Freedom". He is the Cosmic Father of the people of America. Saint Germain's work for the freedom of mankind began in that civilization seventy thousand years ago; when a whole civilization could have been raised into the Ascension had they continued to give obedience instead of becoming rebellious. Saint Germain's most recent work with mankind came forth in the 1930's. He worked with Mr. & Mrs. Ballard to establish the focus on the "I AM" Presence.

St. Germain - The Seventh Ray of Freedom and Transmutation: Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst are the archangels of the seventh ray Elohim Arcturus and Victoria are the Elohim of the seventh ray Omri-Tas.

Saint Germain's twin flame is the Ascended Lady Master Portia. Saint Germain is the Lord of the Violet Ray, The Path of The Alchemist/Transformation. Earthly incarnations: Francis Bacon, High Priest on Atlantis, Samuel the Prophet , Alban, Roman Soldier, Teacher of Neoplatonists, Merlin, Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus, Wonderman of Europe.

The Count St. Germain, known as the "Wonder Man of Europe" in the 1700's. He looked the same for 100 years, spoke every language, travelled by thought, fed the poor, and worked for peace. He took his body into light (ascended), and now works with humanity mostly from the lighter realms. Saint Germain is Chohan of the Seventh Ray, the violet ray, of freedom, alchemy, justice, mercy and transmutation.

He is the sponsor of the United States of America and the hierarch of the age of Aquarius, who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame for world change. He tutors and initiates souls in mastery of the seat-of-the-soul chakra, preparing them to receive the Holy Spirit’s gifts of prophecy and the working of miracles. Two of his well-known embodiments were Christopher Columbus and Merlin the magician, a spiritual adept who has unfortunately been mythologized.

The Ascended Master Saint Germain teaches that the highest alchemy is the transformation of one’s human consciousness into the divinity of the Higher Self. He stands ready to assist all souls in this endeavour.

He has also said he would release the technology of the Aquarian age when the nations shall have put behind them the destructive uses of science and religion to accept the challenge which lies at the heart of both, which is for man to enter his heart and the nucleus of the atom and to harness from both the unlimited spiritual and physical resources to establish the golden age.